Shaping the Future of Disadvantaged Young People
At Youth on the Move (London), we are strong believers in the ability of our youth to succeed. Our programmes and activities are designed to help our youth aged 11 -16 reach their goals and fulfil their highest potential. We are proud of all our members, and love watching them grow into bright-minded and confident individuals. See how we’re involved in making a difference in the young people's lives.
Who We Are
Paving the Way to a Brighter Future
Young people have so much to offer to the world - we believe in the power that they hold, and know that they will mold future generations to come. They are like racing cars, fully loaded with energy and revving and revving. One has to hit the right key to get them in gear and then they'll go. The power is there. But, you have to shift them to them in the right gear or else they will swerve into the dangerous beckoning streets and go out of control. We see the potential, the great energy that lies within each young person and we want to shift them into the right place so that their transition to adulthood will be an easy one and ensure they develop into independent and striving adults. At Youth on the Move (London), we are here to give them the support they need in order to shape them into leaders of the future. We have a number of educational programs and leadership initiatives that help nurture our youth and help them develop the skills they will carry throughout their lives.
Youth on the Move, founded in February 2016, runs after school clubs and other extra programs for 270 disadvantaged young people aged 11 – 16 years, from London's most deprived boroughs in Hackney and Haringey, of the most deprived areas in England. Our aim is to fill the gaps in educational, therapeutic, and extracurricular activities formed by their social and economic deprivation, to ensure that they can maximise their potential and develop to mature and capable young adults. Many of our young users face emotional challenges such as anxiety, stress, and anger, caused by the environmental pressures of living in poverty. We, therefore, orientate our extra-curricular activities to offer therapeutic skill-based outlets and have a variety of fun and exciting activities planned for 2021. Through this, we aim to empower the disadvantaged young people with vital life skills and inject them with a sense of pride and accomplishment to help them to believe that they have a bright future ahead of them, despite their current high levels of deprivation, lack of skills and social isolation.
Empowering Young People to Be a Better Version of Themselves
Youth on the Move Services
Our Projects
Youth on the Move (London) empowers youth aged 11-16 in the deprived London boroughs Hackney, Haringey and Barnet to reach their fullest potential through a wide range of services. We care about our young people, and provide them with a number of enrichment programs to help shape their identity. Our activities provides the disadvantaged young people the chance to get involved in the community and meet new and exciting faces from all walks of life.
Our Projects
Case Studies
One of the 16 year old beneficiaries reported, “I was depressed and going through the motions of life in a robot like manner. There was nothing to look forward to; life was one long downward spiral. My parents never had enough money to give me so that I could make it, to be part of a crowd in school. And then I joined Youth on the Moves Sport-a-Way project. The rejuvinating sports-themed weekend in the country side lifted me out of my depression and gave me a focus in life. Life somehow looks brighter now, I feel so much better with myself that I formed new friendships at the weekend and at school. This project was my life-line.”
Case Studies
Our hardworking team are committed to bring in funds to enable us to provide our vital services. They are here to help us make a difference, one child at a time. By integrating individual strengths, we maximize efficiency and creativity, and deliver greater service.