Proud to Belong
A major annual heritage program that instils strong moral values into our youth and provides space for them to expand their minds whilst meeting new and interesting individuals, by bringing young people form London and Manchester together.

Step Up
A comprehensive program to ease transition from Primary to Secondary school and from teenage to adulthood. Activities includes workshops, mentoring, counselling, big sister projects and a fully catered annual event with renowned guest speakers.
Pathways; Engaging the Disengaged
A Midweek getaway for those at risk of becoming NEET which provides youngsters with all the tools they need to motivate them to continue with their education and go on to become the great leaders tomorrow. The programme includes workshops, skill enhancing activities and career guidance.

Our rejuvenating weekend in the countryside aims to encourage young people to appreciate the environment as well as being involved with sports and be active, fit and healthy.
Play Power
This our annual stage showcase. The young people hire a venue and sound equipment, budget, produce a play, make costumes and props, design and print advertising flyers and tickets, sell the tickets - and put on the performance for an audience of 650, over two nights. They develop creative and artistic talents and organisational skills, take pride in their own achievements, and develop new interests, leading to creative and positive interests long after the end of the project.

Genea - Genius
Our genealogy project gives young people the opportunity to delve into their roots and ancestors and enables them to make their cultural voice heard. As the former Archbishop of South Africa, Desmond Tutu once said, “a person is a person through other persons.” Having a strong sense of their own cultural history and traditions will help the young people build a positive cultural identity for themselves. This will also supports their sense of belonging and self-esteem and promote their social inclusion.
Our Projects
Empowering Young People to Be a Better Version of Themselves. Giving them the gift of a wonderful future.